Shia Authorities on the Existence and Reality of Abdullah Bin Saba’ and a Brief Overview of the Doctrines Innovated by him

Abdullah bin Saba’ al-Yahoodi

All Sunni and Shia authorities were agreed upon the existence and reality of Abdullah bin Saba’ until the Orientalists such as Bernard Lewis, Julius Wellhausen, Friedlander, and Caetani Leone started to cast doubt about the existence of Abdullah bin Saba’, and they were followed in that by their bootlickers and shoeshiners, such as Taha Hussain, Muhammad Kaamil Hussain, and likewise those from the Shia, such as Murtaza al-Askari. Prior to 1300H (1900CE) there was no dispute about this matter at all. The contemporary Shia found in the writings of those Orientalists what was the delight of the eye and thus they began authoring in order to cast doubt about the existence of Abdullah bin Saba’, as this would allow them to dismiss a large part of the criticism against them and their madhhab. Here are some more citations from the from the accepted Shia authorities in their works.

Links to articles:
1) Al-Naubakhti and Al-Qummee (3rd Century Hijrah Shia Scholars): Founder of Major Shia Doctrines Is Abdullah Bin Saba’ Al-Yahudi:

2) More Shi’ite Authorities on the Existence and Reality of Abdullah Bin Saba:

3) A Brief Overview of the Doctrines Innovated by Abdullah Bin Saba’ Al-Yahudi Which Became the Foundational Beliefs of the Sects of the Shia:

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