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1. The Spread and Proliferation of Sins and Disobedience
2. The Danger of Not Holding onto the Rope of Allaah
3. The Believer Doesn’t Have a Pessimistic Outlook of Life
4. Reminder: Is the Qur’an Gathering Dust on the Top Shelf?
5. Ways to Cure Depression – Knowing the Keys to Happiness
6. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin: Revolting Against the Rulers is the Most Corrupt, Vile Innovation
7. Conflict between Revelation and Reason?
8. Beware of Swindlers and Fraudsters Offering Cheap Salvation Through Tombs of Saints

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The Spread and Proliferation of Sins and Disobedience due to the Growth and Expansion of Technology and Communication

The Danger of Not Holding onto the Rope of Allaah

The Believer Doesn’t Have a Pessimistic Outlook of Life

Reminder: Is the Qur’an Gathering Dust on the Top Shelf?

Ways to Cure Depression – Knowing the Keys to Happiness

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin: Revolting Against the Rulers is the Most Corrupt, Vile Innovation

Conflict between Revelation and Reason?

Beware of Swindlers and Fraudsters Offering Cheap Salvation Through Tombs of Saints