Ibn Qudaamah: The people of goodness do not intentionally seek prestige

Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisee (rahimahullaah) said:

Know that the basis of (love) of prestige is the love of widespread fame and glory (for oneself); that is a great danger and in obscurity there is safety. The people of goodness do not have an intention for fame (seeking)—neither do they turn their attention towards it nor towards the means to it; but if it comes to them from Allaah (The Most High), they guard themselves against it and they used to prefer obscurity, as it has been reported about Ibn Mas’ood (radiyallaahu-anhu) that he came out of his house and a group of people followed him, so he noticed them and said: ”Why are you following me?” By Allaah had you known what is locked (behind) my door, then no two men amongst you would follow me.” And in another wording (of this report he said): ”Go back, for indeed it is humiliation for the follower and a trial for the followed.” [Mukhtasar Minhaajul Qaasideen: Page 222]

والله المستعان

Source: The Salafi Centre of Manchester http://salaficentre.com

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