Poetry in Rebuke of the One who Opposes the Hadeeth and its People – A Reminder worth Reflecting upon

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The Qur'an and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salafus-Saalih (Righteous Predecessors).
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5 Responses to Poetry in Rebuke of the One who Opposes the Hadeeth and its People – A Reminder worth Reflecting upon

  1. Abdullah says:

    Asalam Aleikum.

    Brothers, I once heard a lecture by Abu Iyad if I recall, I think it was focusing on the hadith seek refuge in 5 oh ansar with a focus on Holding on to Tawhid or the covenant between you and Allah or there will be some colonization, I think it was about an house long and it mentioned that there was some possible changes made by the Ummayids before the Abbasids took over. I can’t remember what it was does anyone on the site know or maybe they can direct me to the lecture again.

    Jazak Allahu Khayr brothers in Islam!

  2. Abdullah says:

    Jazak Allahu Khayr brother, Do you know if the end of the Ummayids had any Aqida changes before the Abbasids take over? Qadr or one of the other ones? Any references to it possibly as it’s not in the book Islamic creed and it’s history by Muhammad Aman Al Jami, so I was wondering?

    Thank you brother! May Allah bless us and accept from us our good deeds and pardon us.

    • islamtees – The Qur'an and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salafus-Saalih (Righteous Predecessors).
      islamtees says:

      The last ruler in the Ummayyid dynasty was called Ibn Marwan, he followed the way of Ja’d bin Dirham. Ibn Taymiyyah said this was the reason why the dynasty came to an end. That’s what Abu Iyaad has mentioned.

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