Tag Archives: al-Fanā’

Lesson 55 Upload – Taqreeb at-Tadmuriyyah

Some of the matters or points covered: Further elaboration on the Ilhādī Kufrī type of meaning behind al-Fanā’ which is basically the belief in Wahdatul-Wujood (the Unity of Existence). How the people of Wahdatul-Wujood have greater disbelief than the Jews … Continue reading

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Lesson 54 Upload – Taqreeb at-Tadmuriyyah

Some of the matters or points covered: Discussion of al-Fanā’. Three different meanings behind al-Fanā’:1) Deenee Shar’iyy – correct meaning.2) Sūfī Bid’iyy – a number of points against this mentioned.3) Ilhādī Kufrī – this was briefly touched upon, further elaboration … Continue reading

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