Tag Archives: Deobandi

A Historical Look at the Splitting of the Muslim Ummah

Source: lesson 4 from the book study, Usool us-Sittah (The Six Principles), Posted by Islam Tees on 24th September 2019. Full lesson (mp3 audio) can be downloaded here:https://islamtees.uk/2019/09/24/free-audio-available-usool-us-sittah-the-six-principles-lesson-4/ The link above also contains transcribed notes taken from the lesson (by … Continue reading

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Points of Criticism Against Jama’ah Al-Tabligh

[1]: The founder of this group was nurtured upon Sufiyyah and gave two pledges of allegiance to Sufi orders. [2]: He would sit at the graves, waiting to receive some spiritual enlightenment and inspirational ideas from the deceased inside of … Continue reading

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